Welcome! My name is Alexander `Tourstress´ Brechow.  In 2005, I started out as a tour management with van and backline rental. In the following years, I went on tour with artists such as Portugal.The Man, Bassekou Kouyate, The Sonics and No Te Va Gustar. This resulted in a first European network.  Working with my own band (musician, producer and manager of iLLBiLLY HiTEC, 2008 till 2019) I was able to extend this network to Asia and the Americas. 

This gave me the chance to do bookings for artists like Dubmatix or Lengualerta, but also organize an exhibition tour for mexican muralist and visual artist Gran OM.  As pathes always crossed with the Rootdown Artists agency known for the work with german acts like Klub Kartell, Sebastian Sturm, Nosliw, Maxim or Lina Maly, I joined their team as a freelance booking agent between 2015 and 2022.  You can find my current rooster in the booking section.

Last year I helped Mariama to found her own infrastructue out of label, publishing edition and booking agency. The GmbH is currentlly working in the tour production of artists like BANTU or Bongeziwe Mabandla, and is preparing Mariamas upcoming album release.

In the last 18 years I have been able to gain intensive insights into a wide variety of jobs in the live music business. The knowledge and expertise I have gained, I am happy to offer to artists as a full service Personal Management or Artist Consultant. Some more info about my offers as well as current artists I work with you can find in the consulting section of this website.

As I was always into photography, I also made most of the videos for my own musical projects. In 2020 I decided to do this on a more professional level and expanded my skills and gear. Also I had the great chance to join the crew of the Berlin based video streaming company WECAP from 2020 till 2022. For them I worked as a video technician, call manager, production assitant or stage manager at various big prodctions like re:publica, Greentech Festival or the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue. Now I mainly produce music videos and live studio sessions.
Please have a look at my work in the video section.

If you are interested in further info, feel free to get in touch!